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Equal parts rock, punk, and alt-whatever, mixed with a midwest and southern grit, Robots! Attack! have emerged from the muddy banks of the Mississippi in the same spot where Rock and Roll was originally created years ago – Memphis Tennessee.
Former founding member of Kalamazoo Michigan based punk stalwarts FAQ, Guitarist/Singer Chonk found former Teenage Stepdad drummer Creed Edgar, bassist Paul Reames and solo artist Pete Ferrandi after moving from Michigan. The four found that their similar musical tastes yet different experiences created a unique musical style.
After many months of writing music and recording, their first self titled release – Robots! Attack! – is now available. The band is currently building a stage show to match the energy of their tracks, and are booking shows in support of the album.
“Your choice is simple. Join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you”
Equal parts rock, punk, and alt-whatever, mixed with a midwest and southern grit, Robots! Attack! have emerged from the muddy banks of the Mississippi in the same spot where Rock and Roll was originally created years ago – Memphis Tennessee.
Former founding member of Kalamazoo Michigan based punk stalwarts FAQ, Guitarist/Singer Chonk found former Teenage Stepdad drummer Creed Edgar, bassist Paul Reames and solo artist Pete Ferrandi after moving from Michigan. The four found that their similar musical tastes yet different experiences created a unique musical style.
After many months of writing music and recording, their first self titled release – Robots! Attack! – is now available. The band is currently building a stage show to match the energy of their tracks, and are booking shows in support of the album.